Tony Abbott: ‘There is no doubt people are waking up to minor parties’
Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the weekend’s Batman by-election and South Australian state election show minor parties are no longer the flavour of the month.
“There is no doubt people are waking up to minor parties.
“Minor parties are much better at articulating a grievance than they are at offering a solution.
“They only thrive by criticising others, they don’t thrive by coming forward with their own solutions.
With Labor being ousted from power in South Australia, Mr Abbott says it’s clear their obsession with renewable energy cost them.
“I’m all in favour of doing the right thing by the planet, we’ve only got one, we’ve got to give it to our kids in good shape.
“But we’ve got to face the fact that nothing Australia does, in terms of our emissions reduction, is going to make a substantial global difference.
“Yes, let’s try to get emissions down but let’s not do it in ways which cost jobs and damage industries.”
Ray also asked Mr Abbott for his thoughts on RSL taxis being banned from transporting veterans in the ANZAC Day parade.
Click PLAY below for the full interview