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Where to now with energy policy? One minister faces a very important task

Article image for Where to now with energy policy? One minister faces a very important task

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has sworn in his new ministry and there’s one man who’s been given a very important job.

The new Energy Minister Angus Taylor has been given a single directive: bring power prices down.

Mr Morrison hasn’t committed to keeping the National Energy Guarantee, a key policy point that caused his predecessor trouble within his own party.

The Morrison government also hasn’t indicated whether it’ll scrap Australia’s commitment to the Paris Agreement.

Director of the energy program at the Grattan Institute, Tony Wood, says the focus is well and truly on price.

“The momentum towards a much stronger focus on prices had already begun with the release of the ACCC report a few weeks ago,” he tells Ross Greenwood.

“And Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister certainly was pushing that very, very strong.

“Certainly, Angus Taylor is expected to take that up as the number one priority.

“But I don’t necessarily think… that that means they’re going to abandon any attempt to address climate change.”

Click PLAY below for the full interview

Mr Wood says although Mr Taylor’s key focus will be pushing energy costs down, reducing emissions doesn’t have to be scrapped completely.

“I completely understand why the government needs to focus on prices, but that does not mean, however, that they ditch climate change.”

Deborah Knight