Fresh doubts over the ABC’s unproven war crime allegations

Damning new evidence against the ABC’s Afghanistan war crime allegation has come to light.
The ABC report alleged soldiers from the November Platoon murdered a prisoner, but the unidentified US Marine making the claim was not a witness but rather heard ‘a pop on the radio’ he assumed was a gunshot.
Members of the November Platoon have repeatedly denied the allegation, including former commander Heston Russell who detailed the ABC’s errors in an online exposé.
Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg wants to overhaul the ABC’s complaints handling process to make it “more independent and transparent”, after only 78 of 7500 complaints were upheld in the last year.
A Senate review will investigate options used by public broadcasters around the world, such as SBS’s Ombudsman, he told Ben Fordham.
“It’s a completely closed shop.
“The ABC don’t take complaints seriously; they try and get away with egregious errors and there have been many breaches of editorial standards.”
Press PLAY below to hear the full interview
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