Barkindji Broken Hill man’s remarkable solo effort to feed COVID-stricken Wilcannia

The remote and predominantly Indigenous community of Wilcannia in far western NSW is in the grips of a COVID and humanitarian crisis.
The town has a higher rate of infection than any of Sydney’s hotspots, but one of the lowest vaccination rates.
Barkindji man and Broken Hill resident Christopher Quayle, who has been independently delivering supplies to remote communities for months, told Jim Wilson the situation is dire.
“They’ve got one main shop in Wilcannia, and it’s shut down.
“People … are crying for food.”
Chris has been paying for the fuel out of his meagre Newstart allowance, while supporting his own mother.
“It’s a struggle, but it’s got to be done.”
Press PLAY below to hear about Chris’ remarkable effort to serve remote towns