Ben Fordham calls out Greens councillor for lying

Ben Fordham has called out a controversial Greens councillor for pretending to be a concerned resident in a bizarre phone call to a state MP.
Councillor Jonathan Sri has found himself in hot water after he left a message on the phone of Ipswitch MP Jennifer Howard pretending to be a resident concerned about a development.
But he made the call from his personal mobile and was quickly uncovered.
The Brisbane councillor has previously come under fire for allowing Extinction Rebellion protestors to plan from his taxpayer-funded office.
Ben Fordham grilled Councillor Sri over the lie, which he has since been fined for.
Jonathan Sri: “I’m genuinely sorry for what I did. It wasn’t something I planned ahead, it was a spur of the moment thing. But the broader story here is that a developer-”
Ben Fordham: “Just hang on a second Jonathan. I haven’t invited you on so you can use a political platform to tell me about a development. I’ve got you on because you’ve been busted lying.”
Click PLAY below to hear his reaction