‘Bruised and battered’: World Rugby funds study into breast injuries

Associate Professor Deirdre McGhee from the University of Wollongong is leading the world’s first study to look at the cause and impact of breast injuries sustained during Rugby and AFL matches.
Researchers will collect data over the next few seasons to see how we can protect and treat women for swelling and bruising of the breast.
“In Rugby League, Rugby Union and AFL, we have found that 58 per cent of women have had a previous breast injury,” said Ms Deirdre.
“This research will help us work out how frequently they occur and how serious they are.”
Ms Deirdre urges women playing contact sports to seek treatment for these injuries, rather than continuing to play.
“If you don’t get an injury treated, the scarring can look just like breast cancer,” she said.
See more highlights from Deborah Knight below:
Image: Getty/Christopher Pike