‘Doing it all off their own back’: Homeschooling on the rise

New data shows there’s been an increase in homeschooling with about 5500 students homeschooled last year in NSW.
Parents must register to teach their children at home but some are doing it without a license.
Studies show children who are homeschooled excel academically, sometimes surpassing students in the school system.
University of Newcastle lecturer David Roy tells Luke Grant “the government and education systems are not supporting these families, they’re doing it all off their own back.”
“When there’s a homeschooling parent they can’t work because they have to, by law, be there as the homeschooling parent.
“So families are getting hit twice economically.”
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CEO of Win Win Parenting Dr Rosina McAlpine tells Natalie Peters and Merrick Watts homeschooling parents don’t have to be qualified.
“But if you look at the statistics… these parents are highly motivated.
“These parents are not pulling their kids out for no reason.”
Click PLAY to hear the full interview