Witness reveals triple murderer’s SHOCKING new threats

The NSW government is under pressure to extend supervision of the serial killer formerly known as Reginald Arthurell, amid alleged threats of further violence.
Whistleblower Amelia, a transgender woman who alerted Ben Fordham to Regina’s new identity, says making the tip-off was an easy decision.
Corrective Services reached out to her to assist Regina’s transition back into society, but neglected to mention she had killed three people, Amelia explained.
“I took it on my own back to look after Regina, to integrate her to the community, but I had no idea about any criminal history or the horrible things that she’d done.
“I felt threatened, and threatened for the transgender community, not to mention the community in general.
“She comes across as nice. She tries to win people over, to gain their trust.”
Amelia revealed the terrifying details of Regina’s alleged recent threats.
Press PLAY below to hear the revelations
Amelia shared another image of one of Arthurell’s disguises.