‘I hope one day you can come on the program and say what you really think’

Ray Hadley has issued Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton a challenge, “say what you really think”.
In a fiery interview, Ray calls out the minister for toeing the party line in relation to energy policy and company tax cuts.
As Australians are struggling to pay their power bills, several Coalition backbenchers are raising concerns about the government’s obsession with big company tax cuts.
Ray believes Peter Dutton agrees with those concerns but is refusing to say so to keep Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull happy.
Hadley: “I don’t want you to be sacked as immigration minister but I hope one day you can come on the program and say what you really think, that you’re not hamstrung by your cabinet commitments.
Dutton: “I say, I say…”
Hadley: “I know you do on some things but when it comes to challenging the Prime Minister you have to watch your Ps and Qs because you might end up the minister for nothing.”
Dutton: “Well mate, I’m not worried about that, that’s the last thing I’m concerned about. I speak my mind and say what I think.”
Hadley: “Alright well speak your mind, do you think that tax cuts for big income is the most important issue confronting Australia leading into the next federal election, yes or no?”
Dutton: “Two points. One is, energy is the most important issue at the moment…”
Hadley: “So the answer would be no, it’s not the biggest issue.”
Dutton: “The second point is that, as you know, for any business big or small, tax cuts are important. There’s no question about that. The question is whether you take it to the next election if you can’t get it through the Senate. ”
Hadley: “Let me answer for you. The answer Peter Dutton is no we don’t.”
Dutton: “If you start providing the answers I’m going to start asking the questions.”
Click PLAY below to hear the fiery interview