Liberal MP slams ‘irresponsible’ and ‘dangerous’ SBS ad

Liberal MP Craig Kelly is calling on the SBS to apologise after airing an ad encouraging Australians to turn off their heating to meet emissions targets.
The ad urges families to turn off their heaters in order to help hit targets outlined in the Paris Agreement.
Chair of the Environment and Energy Committee Craig Kelly is slamming the ad as a “disgrace” and is calling for the tax-payer funded broadcaster to pull the ad immediately and apologise.
“I watched it and I was just absolutely flabbergasted that such a reckless, dangerousĀ ad could actually be produced by a government agency,” he tells Deborah Knight.
The Member for Hughes says the scientific and medical evidence is clear, living in a cold home is bad for your health.
“The World Health Organisation recommends that your home be heated to at least 18 degrees in winter. There’s many Australian homes that don’t reach that temperature.
“To spread a message that when you’re cold… don’t turn the heater on because that might help with our Paris targets, it’s irresponsible and it’s dangerous.”
Click PLAY below to hear from Craig Kelly
Mr Kelly has also weighed in on Labor leader Bill Shorten’s decision to backflip on his controversial “captain’s call” to repeal company tax cuts for medium-sized businesses.
The Liberal backbencher says it’s proof the Opposition leader has “failed the test of leadership”.
“A backflip with a double, triple pike involved.
“It just shows Bill Shorten is completely unfit to lead this country.”