Michelle’s tragic story proves getting your flu shot is so important

Michelle’s husband Ronny was a healthy 62-year-old with a perfectly functioning heart.
Last year, Michelle went and got a flu shot, a shot Ronny was adamant he didn’t need.
One Monday, Ronny fell ill with Influenza A.
By Thursday, despite the best efforts of staff at St Vincent’s Hospital, Ronny had passed away.
Michelle is now issuing a plea, encouraging everyone to go to their doctor to get the flu vaccination.
“He was as healthy as anything. Perfect heart, perfect everything.
“If one person listens and goes and gets their flu shot thanks to Ronny, my husband, then I’ll be gratified.”
Last year, Ray Hadley contracted Influenza B and was hospitalised for seven days.
“It’s very important everyone, in that age bracket particularly, talk to their GP about getting the vaccination. It won’t stop you getting the flu but it’ll stop it being worse than it could be.”
Click PLAY below to hear Michelle’s plea