Penrith Council too stubborn to reopen ‘The Tracks’

A Werrington local has called out the Penrith Council for being stubborn and not confirming why they are closing the bike track.
Three weeks ago, Chris O’Keefe spoke with Warrington local Aaron Peachey about ‘The Tracks’ being shut down.
Western Sydney MP’s Prue Car and Stuart Ayres both called in promising to help keep the track in Werrington open.
Today, Aaron told Chris that the council is being difficult to reach and he wants answers.
“They’re making it difficult for the kids to get outside and have fun by taking all this fun away.”
Prue Car expressed to Chris that it’s a mixture of legalities, safety and regeneration.
“My point to them has been, why can’t we have bush regeneration and the trail coexisting?,” Mrs Car said.
See more highlights from Chris O’Keefe below:
Image: Supplied