A few simple holiday road safety tips – but they could save your life
Heading off on a long drive over the holiday period. Here’s a few simple tips to
manage fatigue one of the three big killers on our roads. I’ve been banging on
about this for some years but it’s just so important. Long distance driving with
the family is exactly that – it’s not just about the driver. Make sure the driver
stops every two hours for 10 to 15 minutes, carry plenty of water, don’t have a
huge meal for lunch, it will make you sleepy later, eat smaller portions more
often, share the driving if you can, one hour on, one hour off. Make sure you head
off early morning when your fresh after a good night’s sleep and a hearty
breakfast when your energy levels are high. And importantly carry plenty of
water, being well hydrated also means more toilet stops along the way and gives
you a break. Good posture also lessens fatigue. As a guide, sit upright – stretch
out your left arm so that your palm touches the top of the wheel. Adjust the seat
length accordingly and bring the back of the seat up to give you good lumbar
support. I know it all sounds rather simple, but it could well save your life.
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