Election promises on Toll relief

Promises, promises and with a state election looming and with rising cost of
living pressures toll charges have become a major issue. Dominic Perrottet’s toll
rebate scheme was welcome news, but did it go far enough. Labor leader Chris
Minns has now promised to drastically cut road tolls and cap them to $60 a week,
if elected on March 25 – estimated to save the average road user anywhere
between $4,500 and $7,800 a year. It would keep the toll rebate scheme but would
not come into effect until January 2024. Since the Liberals toll rebate scheme was
announced $23 million dollars has already been refunded to 61,000 motorists.
Until June 30 you can double dip on toll relief – claiming this rebate and gaining
free or half price registration if you spend enough on tolls. From July 1 only
pensioners are eligible for both schemes.
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