Extra time needed for Hotel Quarantine Inquiry
Luke Grant is joined by Edward O’Donohue, Shadow Attorney General / Liberal state member for Eastern Victoria Region, who joins calls for extra time for Victoria’s Hotel Inquiry which he says has been frustrated by a Government that has used it as a shield to deflect questions about its culpability.
The repeated amnesia, changed facts, dumping of 200,000 documents submitted last minute by departmental bureaucrats and denial of knowledge by those central to this fiasco in their evidence to the Inquiry, from the Premier down, is an insult to the intelligence of Victorians and is disrespectful to the Inquiry.
“The Hotel Quarantine Inquiry has a clear job to find the truth, the nearly 800 Victorian lives lost following Daniel Andrews’ hotel quarantine fiasco demand nothing less”, says Mr O’Donohue.
“Finding the truth is more important than meeting a deadline and Daniel Andrews must give the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry the extra time it needs to finish this critical task.”
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