How big is your sleep debt and why does it matter?
The fall-out from a poor night’s sleep is something we’re all familiar with, but what happens when the amount of sleep we’re getting doesn’t line up with what we need, night after night after night?
Many people think they can make up for lost sleep on a weekend, or even bank sleep in anticipation of disrupted sleep. But is that really the case?
Mike Jeffreys speaks to sleep and Rest Expert, Amanda Slinger, who says “Sleep debt can build like the interest on a poorly managed mortgage. And just like the interest on a mortgage, we need to manage the sleep debt we’re accruing by ensuring we have the capacity to pay it off within our means (and quickly).
If we don’t, it can have wide-reaching consequences for our health, wellbeing, work, and relationships. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to do, if you know how.”
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