Political correctness strikes again, students advised NOT to write Valentine’s Day cards

Valentine’s Day isn’t far off, and it’s the one time of year you’re really encouraged to profess your love to that special someone.
Well, it’s supposed to be anyway.
University students are being told to think twice about Valentine’s Day cards.
This advice is dished out, not to prevent heartbreak, but because they could be viewed as a form of harassment.
“Welcome to 2019 people! What a great time to be alive,” says Ben Fordham.
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is warning students at a United States university that their Valentine’s Day cards could land them in trouble.
While the university says cards aren’t banned, a policy prohibiting suggestive notes could lead to punishment.
Bettina Arndt tells Ben it’s “rubbish”.
“The whole idea of [Valentine’s Day] was, I will put a message out there and see whether that attention was wanted or not, it was about taking a risk… now that risk has become a very big risk for men.”
Bettina says those who are offended are “sensitive snowflakes”.
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