Prime Minister rejects compulsory COVID-19 vaccine

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has moved to clarify that the COVID-19 vaccine will not be mandatory when it is made available in Australia.
The Federal Government today announced they had signed a deal to secure a COVID-19 vaccine out of Oxford University, if trials are successful.
He said the vaccine has to clear trial tests in Australia.
Earlier today, Mr Morrison told 3AW Radio he “would expect [the vaccine] to be as mandatory as you can possibly make it”.
But responding to a caller on 2GB who questioned giving the vaccine to his children, Mr Morrison reinforced no vaccine could be compulsory.
“I just heard that caller – can I be really clear to everyone,” he said.
“It is not going to be compulsory to have the vaccine… there are no compulsory vaccines in Australia.
“No one is going to force anybody to do anything as a compulsory measure, but we certainly will encourage people to take this up.
“Everybody needs to understand what we are trying to achieve here.”
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