Radio royalty hits the 2GB airwaves

Ron E Sparks is one of our nation’s finest and most acclaimed broadcasters.
For nearly half a century Ron was devoted to the radio industry. This afternoon he hit 2GB studios, joining Ben Fordham to reflect on his extraordinary career.
Ron says he knew very early on in his life that radio was where he had to be.
“I could tell I was different to the other kids at school because I talked about what the DJs did between songs while everyone was talking about the songs.”
At 17, he debuted on the airwaves for 4BC and he recalls it as clear as day.
“I couldn’t believe that looking down at that turntable… that turntable was vibrating so many radio speakers right across south-east Queensland.
“I just could not believe how miraculous that was.”
Thus began an incredible and illustrious career, one which has held many stories.
Ben presses Ron to tell one story in particular. The day he fired John Laws.
“At first he said he was going to retire,” Ron says.
Ron also reveals his top three favourite songs, what the ‘E’ stands for in his name and what he’s planning to do next.
Click PLAY below to hear the story and the interview in full