Ray Hadley slams the ‘Pink Panther of politics’ for distressing anonymous woman’s family

Ray Hadley has hit out at former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for insinuating the woman at the centre of an anonymous rape allegation met a sinister demise.
The woman who claimed she was raped decades ago by a man now in a Morrison government Cabinet position ended her own life last year.
Mr Turnbull told the ABC’s Radio National this morning “we don’t know for sure that she took her own life, we know for sure that she’s dead”.
NSW Police have since confirmed to Ray that the woman withdrew the complaint shortly after making it, and later died by suicide.
Ray accused the former PM of being “irresponsible in the extreme” in adding to the family’s distress by making unfounded comments on the national stage.
“He’s now become judge, jury and executioner.
“We have the Pink Panther of politics, Malcolm Turnbull … asserting that there’s been a murder!
“He suffers, of course, with relevancy deprivation syndrome in that he’s not in the news anymore, [so] he puts himself front and centre of an alleged murder investigation.
“To add more distress to the family … is just an absolute disgrace.”
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