Sir Donald Bradman’s granddaughter is ‘the talent in the family’

Sir Donald Bradman’s granddaughter, Greta Bradman has released her second album Home, an exhibition of her extraordinary soprano voice.
“I knew her when she sat on her grandfather’s lap,” says Alan.
A wife and a mother, Greta says Home is a tribute to her homeland and her grandfather, the world’s greatest cricketer.
“It reminds me of sitting at the piano with my grandpa with him playing songs,” she tells Alan.
Embarking on a national tour which kicks off June 1, the first venue will be St Paul’s Church in Burwood.
The venue holds a special spot in Greta’s heart as the marriage place of Don and Lady Jessie Bradman in 1932.
Alan tells his audience what ‘The Don’ would say if he could see his granddaughter now.
“I was privileged to know Greta’s grandfather Sir Donald Bradman very well, and if he was sitting here now, I know what’d he say.
“He’d say simply to me, ‘Alan, this is the talent in the family, not me’.”
Listen to the full interview below
For tour information, click here