The stats are in: Australians aren’t very good at washing their hands

One in five Australians admit they do not always wash their hands after going to the toilet.
The Food Safety Information Council says research shows more than 20 per cent of Australians admit they don’t always wash their hands after going to the toilet.
And there was a difference between the habits of men and women, with men less likely than women to always wash hands after using the toilet — 82 per cent of women against 76 per cent of men.
Young people were less likely than older age groups to wash their hands
The council warns the research also shows the health risk could be even greater because nearly 40 per cent of respondents also admitted that they didn’t always wash their hands before touching food.
Spokesperson Lydia Buchtmann said good hand-washing means using running water, soap and drying hands thoroughly.
(Image: Getty)