‘Turn off the tap’: One Nation move to enforce travel ban on certain Islamic countries

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson says she’ll move a motion in the Senate, calling for Australia to enforce a travel ban.
She says we need tighter laws to prevent those coming from countries with known sources of radical Islam from landing on Aussie soil.
NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham tells Ben Fordham Australia needs the ban.
“It’s common sense to keep the radicals out.
“How do you protect the Australian people from radical Islamic terrorism? You have to know where the troublemakers are coming from and turn off the tap.
“If you know that there’s a country that’s producing a lot of troublemakers, would-be terrorists, radical jihadists coming to Australia, what sort of sane nation would say, ‘Bring ’em in!”
“If you know there’s a nation that’s no good for us, then turn off the tap.”
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