WATCH | Cop knocked off bike by allegedly stolen car

A police officer has been deliberately hit by an allegedly stolen car which drove onto the wrong side off the road west of Brisbane.
50-year-old Sergeant Matt Simpson was on his police motorbike late on Wednesday night at Toowoomba, when he tried intercepting an allegedly stolen car.
But he never did. Instead, he was knocked off his bike (see footage below).
The video shows Sergeant Simpson following the car, before it turns around, veers onto the wrong side of the road and drives straight at him.
“He’s coming back towards me,” he can be heard saying moments before the crash.
The vision goes black, with Sergeant Simpson’s voice radioing for help.
“I’m down, I’m down, he’s run into me.
“I can’t use my left arm”.
Two men and a woman were charged with a string of offences and have since faced court.
The police union’s President Ian Leavers says he’s horrified by what happened.
Fellow Sergeant Brendan Harding says it highlights the growing trend of offenders using vehicles as weapons.